Within the Action is Primary exhibition, a curator and two writers were invited to engage in and embed themselves within the project. Written as curator of the visual and textual 3:15dance documentation, Marissa Perel's curatorial text is below. The two writers, Laura Neuman and Jai Arun Ravine, determined their own engagement, and the results are below.
Conceived as a poetic response to action is primary, this collection of poems sources words and design from the April 2016 production of Action is Primary (AIP), and also draws from other dance processes. Neuman observed rehearsals, learned the score, and what emerged developed into an interlocking series of poems. Raw source material for the poems, as listed in the index, includes: things said and done in AIP rehearsals, a.i.p. choreographic language, contemporary love poetry, the Q&A after a performance, insect photography, Labanotation, some other contemporary dance processes, pop songs, questions it could take years to answer, email. Not exactly a description of the method, nor a direct translation of the choreography into another medium - rather, the poems sought to query principles and values of making that emerged from part-icipating, as a poet-observer, in this production. What emerged? risk :: nonchalance (available for purchase here.)