I need your help to get my current project, Blood Baby, to completion. I've been working on this baby with an incredible team of collaborators and partners since early 2020, dreaming of it since early 2019. Supported by three years of research—at archives, residency centers, and in conversation with parents and geologists--Blood Baby presents a woven understanding of how we are human. We have received generous support from our partners listed below to get us to this point, and now is the final phase of development...time to put the puzzle pieces together and share our research with you.
To do this, I need to raise $30,000... So far, thanks to y'all, we've raised __$18,584__... Huzzah! Thank you! Keep it coming, please and thanks!
Blood Baby explores how we are shaped-- human lineage and identity-- the accumulating daily actions of parenting and family-building— in relationship to Earth’s timeline and deep time-- through DANCE. *lustrous and deep body actions, forms, and sensations*
It is an epic, multidisciplinary, multi-sensory project - merging visual art, dance, and installation. Sculpture, disco, rocks, photography, participatory experiences, and video art. It’s deepening and healing.
Launching from a queer and trans perspective, from my own perspective as a queer parent and a queer mama in a trans family, Blood Baby affirms and celebrates gender-nonconforming queer family identity and trans and queer voices at a time when political developments in the U.S. are actively threatening their--our— existence.
Championing there are many ways to be… Honoring the work of parenting and caregiving… Recognizing queer and gender expansive identities…
You can support this mission! Make a tax-deductible donation here. send us well wishes $1-50 give us a high five and cheer us on $51+ raise the banner, offer a shoulder to lean on $500+ sponsor us, join the charge $1000+ be a producer, insure our light shines bright $5000+
Your donations go directly to paying artists for their creative work and for the materials they use to bring ideas to life.
and is activated by you, the audience and the participant, as you join--
Carpet Womb (performance): A sweaty, gay, disco ritual experienced inside a large fabric tent-like structure, installed outside. Communion (performance): An improvisational performance performed by me, where audience members are invited to respond to prompts based on their physical environment. Primordial (installation): A video and sound installation made by visual artist (and my co-parent) Carmichael Jones. Touch Library (installation): A hands-on archival tour, where audience members physically engage with materials from Blood Baby’s development. Queer Parent Convenings (conversation): Intimate gatherings for queer and trans parents to connect and share about their experiences, supported by creative reflection exercises.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation and helping this labor of love get made. Donating by check? Make it payable to my fiscal sponsor Headlong Dance Theater and mail to me at 1813 S 11th Street, Philadelphia, PA. 19148.
Thank you for reading! Thank you for giving!
With care, Meg xo
Blood Baby has received generous support from: New England Foundation for the Arts National Dance Project National Performance Network Pew Center for Arts & Heritage Kinsey Institute and Indiana University Arts & Humanities Council Leeway Foundation National Center for Choreography at Akron University of Colorado Boulder Dance Department and ATLAS Institute B2 Center for Media, Arts, & Performance Nature, Environment, Science, & Technology Studio for the Arts The Denver Theatre District Painted Bride Art Center Kelly Strayhorn Theater ONE Archives USC Visions & Voices Velocity Dance Center SPACE Gallery Kinship Creek